Aposphere Insight Plans


CHF 79

/seat /month*


CHF 119

/seat /month*

Strategy Editor (Diagram)

Visual strategy editing to model and understand impact pathways

Strategy Editor (List)

Hierarchical strategy editing in logframe view

Project Management (Workplan)

Plan and measure your progress

Cross-link Diagrams

Link boxes in different diagrams to express strategic relations

Monitoring and Impact Aggregation

Monitor indicator performance and track against work progress

Data-driven Evaluation

Integrate data from internal and external sources to evaluate the performance of your indicators

Link Publicly Available Data

Integrate publicly available data (World Bank, Our World In Data, ...) to evaluate your indicators

Upload Datasets

Upload, edit, and organize your datasets

Data Gathering Surveys

Surveys to poll data with no barrier to evaluate your indicators

Impact & Progress Reporting

Automated generation of reporting material for internal and external stakeholders through different standard templates

Configurable Reports

Full configuration of the reporting material generation

Custom evaluation Scales

Customize the default scale to match your organization's standards

Standard Tags

Standard tags to efficiently organize your content

Custom Tags

Create your own tags

Multiple Standards

Use multiple Standards within the same Organization

Collaboration & Access Control

Context-based discussion, access control, internal and external sharing

Advanced Collaboration

File attachments, stories to capture soft data

Adaptive Management Workflow

Iterative strategy editing to incorporate changes and feedback

Advanced Adaptive Management Workflow

Request approval before merging changes back into the live version

Miradi Import

Import and convert your existing Miradi files


Import/export project files


History and change tracking

Maximum Number of Projects

* Billed annually, monthly plan payments cost 20% more.

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© 2023 Aposphere GmbH. All rights reserved